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The key to growing taller and healthier lies in the Human Growth Hormone – that’s right!
Some of the main questions that people looking to increase their height ask relates to the safe use, and how they can raise it in their blood, naturally.
In the following discussion, we hope to provide all the necessary information you may need regarding this critical hormone and its importance to your body function.
Table of Contents
The Critical Role that Human Growth Hormone Plays
The Human Growth Hormone comes from the pituitary gland located inside your head. It is released into the circulation system and reaches every section of your body to perform various functions.
Before we can focus on the role HGH plays in increasing our height, it is essential to understand what its functions are in the body as a whole. It is only through our understanding of all its features that we can learn to appreciate it, and have sufficient knowledge to make decisions regarding its increase and height increase if your goal is to add a few inches.
To put it blatantly, life would not be possible in the absence of HGH. So, why is the hormone so important?
The most critical role that the hormone plays is helping you grow. It stimulates fat metabolism and synthesis of proteins – a fundamental process in your life. The Growth Hormone instructs your body to recruit the fatty acids and transform them into energy for various body functions.
However, the utilization of the fatty acids leads to an increase in blood glucose levels. As a result, a prolonged predisposition to high levels of growth hormone can lead to insulin resistance, which is not a good thing if you are living with diabetes.
You may at one-time have wondered why intense exercises cause burning of body fat. Numerous studies credit this to the presence of growth hormone that shows up following heavy-duty training. But let’s go back to the vital role it plays.
So, apart from helping you lose fat, the growth hormone reduces the utilization of blood glucose. It also reduces the synthesis of glycogen and enhances the ferrying of amino acids to the various body cells. That is what causes height growth.
HGH also enhances your immune system so that your body can fight off infections. Your body develops resistance to diseases, and you remain healthy. It also helps your kidney function in the right manner.
The Important Role HGH plays in increasing your Height
There are various ways that the human growth hormone helps you grow taller. The chemical component stimulates cartilage growth and collagen synthesis, critical to height growth. Your bones develop from cartilage, and it is the matter between the individual bones that make up the spine – yes, your spine is not one bone, but instead, several small bones.
If you are below puberty, it is critical to keep the GH levels at a decent percentage to ensure continual growth – this is the stage that individuals experience optimal growth until they reach puberty.
Unfortunately, the GH production diminishes as you grow older. Seniors spend minimal time sleeping, and that’s why there’s a link between decreased sleep, low levels of growth hormone and various maladies such as increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity among others. The risk of developing these diseases increases as you grow older partly because of the reducing growth hormone levels.
It also becomes challenging for people that are beyond puberty to add to their height because the GH are levels are insufficient – it also reduces after puberty and the majority of bones fuse together. However, that does not mean you cannot increase the GH levels and grow tall.
But can you Grow Tall after Puberty?
Many stories out there highlight the impossibility of growing taller after puberty. Well, it is not entirely untrue, but there’s always a way out if you can increase the growth hormone levels in your body. Another reason height growth stops is the fusing of bones after puberty – but doesn’t that make it even harder to achieve any height growth?
Not at all!
One of the essential elements of height growth is spinal growth. Typically, your spine is not one large bone but rather, a series of bones linked together by intervertebral discs, a form of cartilage. It is possible to increase the size of these intervertebral discs and grow taller as a result – you see the connection now?
In a study conducted on a group of seniors, averaging at 65 years of age, their spine length increased significantly through spinal decompression to reduce back pain. The experiment best indicates that you can still grow taller even after crossing the red line of puberty.
One way the intervertebral discs become taller is through increased rates of growth hormone in the blood. The increased level of the hormone causes the cartilage within your body to also grow tall. But the question is this, how do you even increase the amount of the hormone within your body?
Increasing the Growth Hormone Levels in your Blood
Typically, two varieties of growth hormone are always at your disposal: the natural and synthetic HGH. The much safer natural HGH is not, however, applicable to everyone, especially those with HGH-associated abnormalities. For example, if you are suffering from a condition where you have an abnormal amount of growth hormone in your body, then you should not try to increase its levels.
But if you are suffering from critically low GH levels, then you are free to use the synthetic form, which is prescription HGH injections.
How to Increase HGH Naturally
A section of people that want to increase their HGH levels thinks that it is only possible through synthetic injections, but nothing could be further from the truth. There are simple and healthy ways to increase the Growth Hormone levels, naturally.
Remember that the hormone comes within you, and the likelihood of posing safety issues is minimal. That means the natural version of growth hormone is your safest bet any time. But how do you increase the hormone levels?
Having Enough Sleep
Sleeping enough is one of the simplest ways that you can increase your HGH level in the blood.
The pituitary gland releases adequate amounts of HGH when in a deep sleep state. It is also the ideal time the spine decompresses, and the body tissues repair, and recoup the lost energy. But what are some of the ways through which you can enhance your sleep?
To have a good night sleep, increase the amount of melatonin in your body. Increased melatonin levels have other benefits that include enhanced HGH production, and a high rate of growth.
Your bedroom environment also determines whether you have a good night sleep or not. Ideally, you should block all spaces that light is likely to pass and you can then have good quality sleep. Also, keep your bedroom cool, or at the temperature, you are most comfortable at – we are `quite different, and the temperature that may be comfortable for one person may not be for another. Therefore, keep it at the level you’re most comfortable with.
Apart from sleeping like a baby to enhance the release of growth hormone, you can perform relaxation exercises to achieve the same results as sleeping.
To calm your mind and nerves have deep breathing exercises. While there are numerous deep breathing exercises, the most common is breathing in and out in significant portions. Maintain five-minute gaps as you do this exercise and you will be good to go.
Also, never underestimate the power of a warm bath. Hot water enhances circulation and works on your muscles, removing any stiffness and tension. Sometimes the key to good health is in simple exercises and behaviors.
Stretching also allows your bodily muscles to relax. Make it a habit of stretching every time you complete a physical activity, and you will naturally enhance the production of HGH.
Physical Exercises
Physical exercises are another way that you can increase the level of that all-important growth hormone, in your body system. Well, there are various exercises that you can adopt in your lifestyle, and see the HGH levels go up. However, the training you choose has to be intense.
Examples include pushups, pull-ups, swimming, cycling and competitive soccer.
It has to be something that makes you push yourself to the limit.
Typically, you have to do the exercise intensely for about 30 seconds before taking a breather.
And since your goal is to increase your height, avoid anything that compresses your spine. For example, stay away from squats, overheads presses, and weightlifting. No doubt such exercise will enhance the production of HGH your blood, but such excretion will do nothing on a compressed spine. You can also add backbone stretching exercises such as monkey hanging to decompress the spine, and add a few more inches to your height – the ultimate goal.
Reducing Body Fat and Sugars
The fact is that body fat inhibits the production of growth hormone as several studies indicate. The more body fat you have under that skin, the less the potential for growth hormone production. But how do you keep lean, quickly, and enhance your growth hormone levels?
The first important step towards achieving a leaner you are reducing your sugar intake. Reduced sugar consumption means reduced blood sugar levels, and maximized growth hormone excretion. You see, insulin and fats counteract the production of HGH. In simple terms, you only have sugars and fats in your body or the growth hormone. You can never have both ways.
But that does not mean cutting off the consumption of sugar altogether. There’s a difference between reducing the amount of sugar and giving up sugar consumption entirely. You should look towards reducing the amount of sugar you consume.
Fasting once in a while is not only good for the soul but has a good effect on your body. For starters, fasting lowers the amounts of sugar in the body thus clearing the pathway for growth hormone. In fact, intermittent fasting has the potential to increase growth hormone as much as five-fold. And you know the benefits of having more HGH in your system including growing taller, building muscles and staying younger.
Fasting also allows cellular repair. It provides sufficient opportunity for the removal of waste from the cells. The very act of not consuming anything for about 24 hours promotes gene expression. It makes possible for the beneficial changes in your genes, associated with disease protection and longevity to occur.
For those trying to lose that hanging belly fat, intermittent fasting does a great job in that regard. The reduced insulin levels, as a result, cause the body to increase the growth hormone levels and break down the body fats for energy. In fact, the short-term fasting raises the metabolic rate as high as 14%, further breaking down the fats in your body – how easier could it get?
You can also reduce the body sugars and increase the growth hormone levels by making it a habit not to eat anything before going to bed. As mentioned earlier, your body releases the majority of HGH to your body when you are asleep.
Consuming Sufficient amounts of Amino Acids
Amino acids are vital to the production of hormones in your body. In other words, your body may not produce any growth hormone in the absence of amino acids. And, therefore, it’s critical always to maintain it at a decent level.
The five essential amino acids include:
- L-Glutamine
- L-Ornithine
- L-Glycine
- L-Lysine
- L-Arginine
One of the easiest ways to consume these essential proteins is through food consumption. But which foods are rich in each of the five amino acids? Here are a few examples.
L-Glutamine | L-Ornithine | L-Glycine | L-Lysine | L-Arginine |
Chicken | Chicken | Chicken | Chicken | Chicken |
Eggs | Eggs | Lamb | Eggs/Lamb | Turkey |
Beef | Beef | Beef | Beef | Beef |
Soybeans | Chocolate | Kale | Soybeans | Soybeans |
Hazlenuts | Brown Rice | Spinach | Almonds | Peanuts |
Shrimp | Salmon | Shrimp | Shrimp | Tuna |
While it’s excellent sourcing for these foods and consuming them, it is a bit tedious and hard to keep track. If the idea of sticking a list or timetable of the essential amino acids-rich foods on the refrigerator is demotivating, then you can opt to go the simple way. It will even be much harder if you are a vegetarian.
In that case, you can always purchase the necessary supplements that contain all the five proteins. Consuming amino acids supplements is a lot easier than sourcing the foods and taking them on a regular. It’s necessary to eat a balanced diet but eating the amino-acids rich food is a different story altogether.
Therefore, consuming the supplements does not do away with the need to maintain a balanced diet. It only helps in ensuring your body has the right amounts of amino acids in your system to enhance the production of growth hormone.
There are pills on the market that contain all the five supplements. In other words, one tablet has all the five essential amino acids making it easier to track and consume on a daily basis. The downside of such pills is that you need to part with a significant amount of cash.
Synthetic Human Growth Hormone
If your growth hormone levels are critically low, using the natural method may not work for you. However, you can always get the synthetic version through injections.
For the synthetic growth hormone, you need a prescription and should be under the supervision of a qualified medical professional. Never attempt to self-prescribe and self-administer for safety reasons.
To know if your growth hormone levels are low, visit a health facility and get it tested. But testing is never a natural process. It is tedious and can take some time. The easier way is to watch out for symptoms, which typically differ between adults and children.
The symptoms for low growth hormone in adults include depression or anxiety, hair loss, low stamina, dry, thin skin, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. In children and teenagers, the symptoms vary a bit to those of the adults, and they include abnormally short stature, younger facial features than their age group, delayed puberty, slow teeth and hair development, and a high amount of body fat.
Risks Involved
Despite being the most instant way of raising the hormone levels, especially if they are critically low, synthetic growth hormone has several associated risks. That is not to mention it is one of the most expensive remedies.
The associated side effects from the injections are several. They include joint discomforts, muscle aches, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, and swellings in the arms, legs, feet, and hands. Users also experience joint, as well as, muscle pains.
If you are experiencing the above symptoms after the administration of synthetic growth hormone, then it’s possible that your body is not taking it well. It might also mean that the hormone levels are unusually high in your system and you should talk to your physician.
If unmonitored, it is possible to overdose, and that is not a good thing. High amounts of the growth hormone can cause acromegaly – not a condition you will fancy having.
Furthermore, the synthetic injections are not suitable for people who have cancer, tumors, acute breathing problems, severe illness and multiple injuries. If diabetic, make sure to monitor the blood-glucose levels keenly since the growth hormone can affect insulin utilization.
Acromegaly is a condition that occurs as a result of having too much growth hormone in the blood, caused by an overdose or tumor in the pituitary gland.
The characteristics of the acromegaly condition include enlarged bones in the hands, feet, and face. Women experience excessive hair growth. The growth spurts are exaggerated and the joints may be swollen and painful, limiting efficient movement.
High HGH in the blood can also cause a hoarse voice, headaches fatigue and insomnia. It can also cause thickened skin, muscle weakness, and excessive sweating. If you suspect acromegaly, consult your physician for testing and advice.
Synthetic Injections are Expensive
The synthetic form of growth hormone is not what you would refer to as budget-friendly. You are better off eating the necessary essential amino-acids rich foods if tight on budget. There are also supplement pills that are cheaper, way cheaper than the injections.
A human growth treatment can go as high as $60,000 annually. But that is minus other costs like insurance. So despite the risks, and the high price, are the injections worth it?
The synthetic growth hormone is potent and can quickly correct any deficiency. If you or your child is suffering from low growth hormone in the blood, then the benefits easily outweigh the shortcomings.
Final Word
You now know the critical role the Human Growth Hormone plays in your body regardless of age. The growth hormone keeps the body systems functioning in the right way, and strengthens your immune system to fight off diseases. It also helps you stay looking younger and develop some muscles. More importantly, growth hormone is critical to height growth. Without it, it would be impossible to grow even an inch taller.
In the discussion above, we list some of the ways that you can quickly increase the level of growth hormone in your body system. The simplest way includes eating the right amino acids-rich foods such as meat and chicken. But you can opt to go the supplements way where you take one or several pills within a day depending on the type of pills you have.
The synthetic injections should solely be under prescription and should be for those with abnormally low amounts of growth hormone. Injections are more expensive and risky. An overdose can cause a variety of side effects and acromegaly.